Getting your senior photos booked early will make one less thing to worry about when starting your senior year! Here are three important reasons you should consider booking your photo session early.

1. Photographers’ schedules fill up
fast, so booking early means you get a better choice of dates. If you want your photos done on a specific date or during a certain season, then the earlier you book, the more likely you will get your first choice. Don't miss out on booking your favorite photographer due to waiting too long! If you want to know how to choose the right photographer for you, check out this post.
2. Booking early gives you more prep time. Take the rush out of preparing for your senior photo session to allow for getting the best photos ever! It will give you plenty of time to figure out outfits, plan how you want your hair and makeup to look and choose a location.
3. Good dates to choose for your senior session is during the spring/summer/early fall. Many high schools have an early deadline for yearbook photos, and you don’t want to miss that deadline!
So, when should you start looking for a photographer? You can start you search as soon as the school year starts for you junior year. The latest I would recommend starting your search is during second semester of your junior year. I know it seems very early, but photographers start taking senior photos as early as the spring before your senior year!
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